If the amount of your payment seems lower than expected, or if it seems to be a different amount than you imagined, you should take these two elements into account:
- Payment is made in proportion to the time spent on the subscription during the month or week. To put it simply, if you joined a subscription at € 10 per month in the middle of the month, your first credit card debit will only be € 5 the first month.
- Your subscription may be setup by the owner for "equal split": in this mode, the price is not fixed and may change over time if other participants join your group. An example: You and the owner of a 20 € subscription pay the first months 10 € each. If 2 other friends register, the remaining part to pay per person decreases to 5 €. It's flexible!
If this still doesn't make sense to you, don't hesitate to ask for advice: [email protected]